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Roland C Nickerson State Park
Address: 3488 Main Street,Brewster,MA 02631
Tel: 508-896-3491
Roland C Nickerson State Park Site Layout

Location Description: Travel the road to the upper campgrounds in Nickerson State Park and you may think for a moment that you have been magically transported to the Berkshire Hills or the piney woods of the Carolinas. Nowhere in sight are the sand dunes and salt marshes usually associated with Cape Cod. Instead, you are surrounded by woods that slope down to the banks of eight crystal clear fresh water ponds. Yet, if you walk or bicycle through the woods, you will find no rivers or streams feeding the ponds. These are “kettle ponds,” among more than 300 formed as glaciers retreated from the Cape over 10,000 years ago. Completely dependent on groundwater and precipitation, the water level in the ponds fluctuates from season to season and year to year.,Nickerson's 1900 acres offers more than , , including yurt camping, an amphitheater, eight miles of roads, hiking trails, an eight mile bike path that connects to the 22 mile , , and ponds stocked year-round with trout. Cape Cod Bay is within walking or bicycling distance. You can swim and canoe at Flax Pond; birdwatch or catch-and-release fish at Higgins Pond, or participate in the many seasonal interpretive and recreational programs offered by park staff.
Membership: No Information Available.
Credit Cards Accepted:
Seaasons open data: No Information Available
office hours: 8:00am - 10:00pm
Big Rigs WelcomeBig Rigs Welcome
Boat RampBoat Ramp
Boat RentalBoat Rental
Canoe RentalCanoe Rental
Clubs WelcomeClubs Welcome
Grill at SiteGrill at Site
Hiking TrailsHiking Trails
Horse TrailsHorse Trails
Horseback RidingHorseback Riding
Over 35 FtOver 35 Ft
Pets WelcomePets Welcome
Planned ActivitiesPlanned Activities
Reservations AcceptedReservations Accepted
Secluded CampingSecluded Camping
Shaded SitesShaded Sites
Snack BarSnack Bar
Swimming Lake/Stream etc.Swimming Lake/Stream etc.
Tent CampingTent Camping
Local Area Attractions
  • JFK Hyannis Museum
  • Zooaquarium
  • Stony Brook Grist MIll
  • Cape Cod National Seashore